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Jérôme HONG-ROCCA is a tax lawyer to Paris Bar, specialized in tax law and is doctor in public law.


He gained an experience within the administration as tax specialist attached to the directorate of financial affairs at the Ministry of Defense before he became a lawyer.


For more than 10 years he exercises as lawyer in fiscal and public law. In 2017 with Xavier LORÉAL and Philippe DELECLUSE he created the lawyer association ALDHEA.


Furthermore, he exercised teaching and research activities during several years as Temporary Lecturer and Research Assistant to the Panthéon-Sorbonne University first, then as lecturer to the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM). In this context, he taught in tax and administrative law as well as tax and administrative dispute.


Main fields of activity:


–      Tax Law (Tax procedures, Tax dispute, Taxation of companies and private individuals)

–      Administrative law (administrative dispute)


Degrees and certification :


–      2014 : Certificate of specialization in tax law and customs law (CNB)

–      2010 : Certificate of specialization in tax law (EFB Paris)

–      2005 : PhD in law (Paris I University) and CAPA (EFB)

–      1999 : Advanced Diploma in Tax Law (Paris I University)

–      1998 : Master degree in Tax Law and Master degree in Public Business Law (Paris I University)

–      1997 : Bachelor degree in Business Law and Bachelor degree in Public Administration (Paris I University)


Languages : 




Admission :


Paris Bar, 2006





« Fiscals penalties through the change of law (contribution to the historical and theorical studies of tax penalties) », Thesis, Paris I University, 2005, 685 p. – Published by the ANRT under the title: Fiscals penalties through the change of law.



«Elements of reflection on the interrelations between the notions of property, domain and territory in the genesis of the principle of unity of the State », Revue de la recherche Juridique, Droit prospectif, n° 2006-3

Interviews :


« Le 19.45 » du 4 août 2010 (Journal télévisé de M6) (« César : l’autre affaire Woerth ? »)


« Explications et propositions sur la réforme pour le moins complexe de l’ISF », interview du mercredi 27 avril 2011, publiée sur le site LAIPAR.COM